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  • 22. 06. 02.
  • 이*혁
  • HIT : 2,526

It's been a long time since I took a lesson and writhe this diary at home. That's mean I didn't spend a time to learn when I didn't go to work. Before one hour ago, I watched a video on Youtube. And the title of that video was 'The last video on this channel'. There was a women that seems like 22 age or 23 age. Actually, That women has gotten a cancer. She was too late to remove the cancer. In the video, she told her subscribers that 'See you next life. I'll find you. Thank you for watching my video and cheerd me up during my hard time'. Unfortunately, that was last video on her channel. After I watched that, I look over her channel. She uploaded the video about doing what she wanted to do while she got cancer. That was really normal things for most people like eating delicious food and decorating her phone. I was really sad. Actually, the more I get old, the more I think the death is not serious. while I'm writing this diary, someone is diying and someone gets birth. Birth and death is always around us and some creature's death gives a life to some creature and some birth someday, that is gonna give some creature the death. I understand that but It's hard to accept it in my mind. I just hope everyone is happy.

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71376 20220608_Elly(105) 잠금 차*완 22.06.08 787
71375 20220607_김다은__(126) 김*은 22.06.08 2,418
71374 20220607_nathan_(273) 잠금 최*필 22.06.07 930
71373 20220607_Elly(100) 잠금 차*완 22.06.07 696
71372 20220606_nathan_(331) 잠금 최*필 22.06.07 1,076
71371 20220603_Elly(99) 잠금 차*완 22.06.03 1,440
71370 20220602_nathan_(217) 잠금 최*필 22.06.03 1,289
>> 20220602(235)_이지혁 이*혁 22.06.02 2,526
71368 20220602_Elly(95) 잠금 차*완 22.06.02 1,101
71367 20220531_nathan_(165) 잠금 최*필 22.06.01 629
71366 20220529_이지혁(208) 이*혁 22.05.30 2,611
71365 20220528(205)_이지혁 이*혁 22.05.28 2,174
71364 20220528_nathan_(241) 잠금 최*필 22.05.28 1,241
71363 20220526(199)_이지혁 이*혁 22.05.26 2,510
71362 20220526_Wyatt_(110) 양*빈 22.05.26 3,083
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