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  • 22. 08. 23.
  • 김*은
  • HIT : 2,647

But we couldn't go where I wanted to. That place already had waiting 32 team at 11:30 A.M. I was so surprised... We went anywhere because I was so hungry. Unfortunately, There was soooooooooo bad. I felt not good. Then we went cafe that is famous airport concept. We ordered 카이막& bread, ice americano and peach orange ice tea. 카이막 is creamy food made by collecting milk fat and hardening it. It usually eat bread with honey. I've really wanted to eat this, It tasty was really good. I want to eat right now too. And we went to the place where the select shop was gathered. I bought a cute pouch, an eco bag, couple phone case and so cute airpot case with a bear on it. We changed phone case and took a photo at mirror.

현재까지 작성된 영어일기 72,186

오늘의 영어일기 게시판
글번호 제목 작성자 작성일 조회수
71526 20220901_Carter_(200) 정*교 22.09.01 1,829
71525 20220831_nathan_(315) 잠금 최*필 22.08.31 885
71524 20220831_김다은__(145) 김*은 22.08.31 1,929
71523 20220830_nathan_(306) 잠금 최*필 22.08.30 778
71522 20220830(264)_이지혁 잠금 이*혁 22.08.30 1,334
71521 20220829_nathan_(309) 잠금 최*필 22.08.30 742
71520 20220828_Carter_(194) 정*교 22.08.28 1,435
71519 20220827_Carter_(190) 정*교 22.08.27 2,511
71518 20220826_Hughes(58) 잠금 박*관 22.08.26 860
71517 20220826_nathan_(321) 잠금 최*필 22.08.26 636
71516 20220826_김다은__(144) 김*은 22.08.26 2,277
71515 20220825_김다은__(143) 김*은 22.08.26 1,977
71514 20220825_nathan_(133) 잠금 최*필 22.08.26 949
71513 20220825_Carter_(186) 정*교 22.08.25 2,501
>> 20220823_김다은__(142) 김*은 22.08.23 2,647
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