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  • 22. 08. 28.
  • 정*교
  • HIT : 1,445

< p left;">Nowadays, In the night time is getting cold. but, The day time is still hot. The temperature gap between day and night is so big. Actually, I don't know how I wear the Clothes. Because I'm working night time often. I don't wanna get flu. but I can still stand. so, I still put half- TShirt. I love this weather. I'm not worried about it.

just only one thing that I worried about it. It's covid. because, I want to go abroad. it's all of the reason of studying english. But there are a lot of issues. It's more getting expensive ticket about airplane and stuff price. It all of thing is worried it. so, I still living in south - Korea While saving money. I sometime imagain when I give up my dream, how I feel about it I really wonder. Maybe I don't feel anything because, I don't know when I got achieve my dream. I WilI live randomly I'm not sure.

So, I really thankful to myself. don't give up the purpose, study english steadily and everything.

even if I'm in Certainly exhausted and demanding Physics, I feel alive more than ever.

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글번호 제목 작성자 작성일 조회수
71481 20220807_Carter_(128) 정*교 22.08.07 2,205
71480 20220807_Hughes(42) 잠금 박*관 22.08.07 928
71479 20220807_김다은__(139) 김*은 22.08.07 1,952
71478 20220806_Hughes(41) 잠금 박*관 22.08.06 1,693
71477 20220806_Carter_(120) 정*교 22.08.06 2,015
71476 20220805_Carter_(116) 정*교 22.08.05 2,834
71475 20220804_nathan_(313) 잠금 최*필 22.08.05 983
71474 20220804_Hughes(39) 잠금 박*관 22.08.04 1,227
71473 20220803_Hughes(38) 잠금 박*관 22.08.03 928
71472 20220803_Carter_(109) 정*교 22.08.03 2,181
71471 20220801_Hughes(36) 잠금 박*관 22.08.02 995
71470 Carter_20220802_(107) 정*교 22.08.02 2,097
71469 20220801_Hughes(34) 잠금 박*관 22.08.01 611
71468 20220801_김다은__(138) 김*은 22.08.01 1,853
71467 20220731_nathan_(312) 잠금 최*필 22.08.01 967
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