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  • 22. 09. 06.
  • 정*교
  • HIT : 1,818

< p left;">I'm really nervous about rain today. But it didn't rain. of course, Absoulately, Today is starting heavy rain. This weather is clean. my nervous thing is gone. Anyway, it is okay. because Weather is clear.

Why am I nevrons about rain? Yesterday, the rain did drop all day. naturally, I'm really nervous about it.

after all, I did get rid of my umbrella in my bag. I really like to walk on sidewalk Without rain. because I walk slowly, after that I enjoy to watching around Scenery. but, when the starting to drop the rain, I can't enjoy around it. Also, the Gound is good when I stay home. but outside is everything ruin.&nbsp;

Clothes are Making spot by rain. especially, when the sock is wet, I feel really terrible. that's why I don't like to walk on sidewalk when dropping rain.

Ah, It's really hard to write a story on diary.

I don't have a some story,&nbsp; These days, I'm not watching Ted. I don't have enough time to watch ted. because, I did go to my hometown, and more focus on working out. after that? I'm absouately exhausted.

Can I can't write about ted. I have to fix my routin for my future and my workplace.&nbsp;

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71451 220725_한지혜_(7) 잠금 한*혜 22.07.25 867
71450 20220725_Hughes(27) 잠금 박*관 22.07.25 724
71449 20220724_Carter_(61) 정*교 22.07.24 2,879
71448 220724_한지혜_(6) 잠금 한*혜 22.07.24 1,567
71447 20220723_김다은__(137) 김*은 22.07.23 1,999
71446 20220723_한지혜_(5) 잠금 한*혜 22.07.23 763
71445 20220723_nathan_(317) 잠금 최*필 22.07.23 909
71444 20220723_Hughes(26) 잠금 박*관 22.07.23 1,151
71443 20220723_Carter_(44) 정*교 22.07.23 2,213
71442 20220722_한지혜_(4) 잠금 한*혜 22.07.22 924
71441 20220721_Hughes(22) 잠금 박*관 22.07.21 1,250
71440 20220721_Carter_(34) 정*교 22.07.21 2,341
71439 20220721_nathan_(290) 잠금 최*필 22.07.21 815
71438 20220721_한지혜_(3) 잠금 한*혜 22.07.21 1,030
71437 20220720_nathan_(290) 잠금 최*필 22.07.21 701
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