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  • 22. 09. 08.
  • 김*은
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I had a reservation lodging that we wanted go aniversaring our 1000 days. This lodging is at the countryside. We love to have a travel to countryside. Also, these people go to country vatcation in vogue these days. By the way, it is already been 1000 days,, time is so fast. I have been thinking about present for my boyfriend. That list of present that I thinked are card wallet, airpot and couplering. Because I lost a ring before. Maybe I am going to buy a Tombrown card wallet that he wanted. We are very looking forward next month. We planed two things. The first, we will do woodworking experience. I will make a wooden cutting board and he will make a wooded bluetooth speaker. The second, we will hiking 곰배령 mountain at Saturday. And we will watching Nexflix, reading a book at the wooden pavilion and taking a break.

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오늘의 영어일기 게시판
글번호 제목 작성자 작성일 조회수
71616 20221016_summer(6) 잠금 최*림 22.10.16 498
71615 20221016_Carter_(315) 정*교 22.10.16 2,701
71614 202201015_Hughes(99) 잠금 박*관 22.10.15 1,030
71613 20221015_Cater_(308) 정*교 22.10.15 1,638
71612 20221014_김다은__(162) 김*은 22.10.14 2,071
71611 20221014_Cater_(303) 정*교 22.10.14 1,903
71610 20221013_김가영_(150)_Shooting plan 김*영 22.10.14 2,472
71609 20221010_김가영_(146)_team meeting 김*영 22.10.14 2,330
71608 202201013_Hughes(97) 잠금 박*관 22.10.13 1,376
71607 20221013_김다은__(161) 김*은 22.10.13 1,588
71606 20221013_Carter_(302) 정*교 22.10.13 2,051
71605 20221012_summer(5) 잠금 최*림 22.10.12 537
71604 20221012_김다은__(160) 김*은 22.10.12 1,804
71603 20221012_Carter_(299) 정*교 22.10.12 2,620
71602 202201011_Hughes(95) 잠금 박*관 22.10.11 981
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