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  • 22. 09. 09.
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< p left;">I couldn't make a story in my daily. it's really hard to make it. So, I change my think. These days, I often watch TED that various useful video there are. and after watching them, I'll write down which I get feeling.&nbsp;

What I watch is How to make stress your friend. this lesson have another perspective.

I always believe that stress harmful myself. So, I have to deal with them. so that, I believe my health is more heaIth. So, I try to cope with it always. but, after watching this video, I have another opinion about stress somewhat.

it is Correct that getting Stress is more harmful for yourseIf. However, other perspective exist about stress necessity thing.

thank about it, I've got always Stress when I really want or hope. right now, I absolutely need to improve for my future. at the same time, I've got stress, why? I don't feel like to improve anymore. but I have to do this whether I've got or not.

as aspect of it, I think that the stress guieded to The better situation. I don't know which is the better that there is no stress in my life or there is stress in my life. no matter how I've got stress, I have to go what I want.

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