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  • 22. 09. 10.
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  • HIT : 1,653

< p left;">Ah, I don't like write diary because I write a diary again. suddenly, This note is gone. I'm really excited toward had. Something black in front of me. how could I write until end again. What am I gonna do?

What I write is about environment.I'm not watch it yet. originally, after writing diary on this note, I'll watching it. This is the my plan. However, my diary is gone suddenly. I don't have any choice because I need to relax my mind. So, I was watching at ted first.

After this video watching, what I feeling is that I'm really helpless. before I was watching, I'm really goo dat recycling for environment and reduce to disdosable Product. It's just self-satisfaction. I criticize myself through this video. Also, l ignored environment problem. No matter how I recyole a lot and reduce disposable proddot by personal, environment is still destroing. it's going on. it makes me helpless.

But, no matter how I feel helpless or I don't know that what am I gonna do, I'll recycle for myseIf.

if I don't recycle someday, I feel nervous something. I couIdon't explain exactly about my feeling.

Anyway, for my, your and our future, we have to keep and solve environment. we have to deliver good environment to our future. thank You.


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