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  • 22. 09. 11.
  • 정*교
  • HIT : 2,049

< p left;">Today, i Start next step. I've finished step 1. but, I don't feel like that don't improve anything. that time, I need a Grit. I haveto speak english Countinely. even if I feel that don't got anything, I have to go next step. I believe that This pieces put together, it makes me better than the past me.&nbsp;

unfortunately, It's still hard to listen if about english news, pop song and chat with friends. That time, I feel depressed for myself. I think that I'm certainly hard to study, However I'm still stay in place.&nbsp;

This part of the point might make a difficult to study english continueIy. no matter how I spend my time in studying english, But english doesn't show how much I improve it.&nbsp;

I heard that The english is like a stairs. So, You have to do it continuely. This point doesn'tgive me encourage. I understand this situation. So, I've thought that I had to give up several times. because there are a lot of reason why I give up thing. but I have got to one reason that have to achieve.

The reason why, I'm not gonna let english break me down. I really, really wish to accieve one thing.

Only, this part doesn't let me give up english. no matter how difficult, I Will achieve

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글번호 제목 작성자 작성일 조회수
71541 20220907_Hughes(71) 잠금 박*관 22.09.07 636
71540 20220907_Carter_(213) 정*교 22.09.07 2,115
71539 20220907_김다은__(148) 김*은 22.09.07 2,353
71538 20220906_Hughes(70) 잠금 박*관 22.09.06 500
71537 20220906_Carter_(208) 정*교 22.09.06 1,803
71536 20220905_Hughes(69) 잠금 박*관 22.09.05 765
71535 20220905_Carter_(207) 정*교 22.09.05 2,362
71534 20220905_nathan_(313) 잠금 최*필 22.09.05 1,019
71533 20220904_nathan_(165) 잠금 최*필 22.09.05 918
71532 20220904_김다은__(147) 김*은 22.09.05 1,856
71531 20220904_Hughes(68) 잠금 박*관 22.09.04 802
71530 20220902_Hughes(67) 잠금 박*관 22.09.03 490
71529 20220002_Hughes(58) 잠금 박*관 22.09.02 676
71528 20220902_Carter_(203) 정*교 22.09.02 2,154
71527 20220902_김다은__(146) 김*은 22.09.02 2,436
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