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  • 22. 09. 14.
  • 정*교
  • HIT : 2,508

< p left;">Finally, korea thanks giving day is finished and traffic jam is started. i don`t like it. who`s gonna like that? that`s why i don`t want to live in Seoul. Except i`m going to job place, i don`t use any transportation. even if it takes 1 hour to my destination, i used to walk. unfortunately, my legs was getting damage. but my condition is so good~~. i don`t regret it. i think that i like to walk.

i`m saying about walk because it came up, i just said that i like to walk and stand in the place.

sometimes i try to do part time job a day when my day off. it has good effects for me. first, i can earn money as doing part time job, second, i have got free lunch or dinner. third, i can learn various environmnet of service field. i really want to work abroad in serive area. i`m working at Seoul. i believe that my currently job help my future career. as same time, i did learn about speaking english. however, it`s difficult to talk with foreign customer, friends and my boss. it makes me discourage. even if english is breaking me down or the sharppest something cut me down. i will just go to my future sliencely.

that time, i believe that i go through the tunnel. let`s we`re going throuth it.

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오늘의 영어일기 게시판
글번호 제목 작성자 작성일 조회수
71391 20220614_deam(57) 잠금 한*흠 22.06.14 749
71390 20220614_Charlie_(112) 잠금 김*혁 22.06.14 833
71389 20220614_김다은__(130) 김*은 22.06.14 2,628
71388 202206013_Charlie_(111) 잠금 김*혁 22.06.13 910
71387 20220613_Elly(116) 잠금 차*완 22.06.13 419
71386 20220612_김다은__(129) 김*은 22.06.12 2,264
71385 20220612_nathan_(283) 잠금 최*필 22.06.12 1,594
71384 20220611_김다은__(128) 김*은 22.06.11 3,108
71383 20220610_daem(56) 잠금 한*흠 22.06.10 1,062
71382 20220610_Elly(113) 잠금 차*완 22.06.10 632
71381 20220610_nathan_(266) 잠금 최*필 22.06.10 931
71380 20220609_nathan_(230) 잠금 최*필 22.06.10 684
71379 20220609_김다은__(127) 김*은 22.06.09 2,348
71378 20220609_Elly(110) 잠금 차*완 22.06.09 664
71377 20220608_deam(55) 잠금 한*흠 22.06.08 988
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