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  • 22. 09. 16.
  • 정*교
  • HIT : 2,037

< p left;">yesterday, I didn't write my Story on my dairy. because, I did write it but it's gone all of the sudden. that five, I was really rage. I did write almostly. I didn't have power to write it again. So, I turn off my computer. I just practice shadowing and do not record. I'll do everything today.

Anyway, Yesterday, what I say is the secrets of learning a new language. There a lot of method. but I'm gonna say only two things. it's more useful for me. You want know thing more? try to watch this section. first thing is It's important to enjoy learning language. this part understand it. However. It's different that know and practice. probably, everyone know them Who don't know that? It's hard to practice in my case. I wish to enjoy learning english. first time, maybe I did enjoy studying english, but at some point, I can'f enjoy it anymore. as much as watching this video, I Will restart to enjoy if again.

second thing find the way effective to you. But it is ironically, if You can't find the way effective, also I can't find effective way. Ah. It's really hard to effective way. Difficult is difficult. this video gives me a motivation. it's kinda when I'm really sleepy, I got a caffeine. as a result, I got a power. if my writing don't gone all of sudden.

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글번호 제목 작성자 작성일 조회수
71541 20220907_Hughes(71) 잠금 박*관 22.09.07 636
71540 20220907_Carter_(213) 정*교 22.09.07 2,115
71539 20220907_김다은__(148) 김*은 22.09.07 2,353
71538 20220906_Hughes(70) 잠금 박*관 22.09.06 500
71537 20220906_Carter_(208) 정*교 22.09.06 1,803
71536 20220905_Hughes(69) 잠금 박*관 22.09.05 765
71535 20220905_Carter_(207) 정*교 22.09.05 2,362
71534 20220905_nathan_(313) 잠금 최*필 22.09.05 1,019
71533 20220904_nathan_(165) 잠금 최*필 22.09.05 918
71532 20220904_김다은__(147) 김*은 22.09.05 1,856
71531 20220904_Hughes(68) 잠금 박*관 22.09.04 802
71530 20220902_Hughes(67) 잠금 박*관 22.09.03 490
71529 20220002_Hughes(58) 잠금 박*관 22.09.02 676
71528 20220902_Carter_(203) 정*교 22.09.02 2,154
71527 20220902_김다은__(146) 김*은 22.09.02 2,436
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