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  • 22. 09. 22.
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< p left;">These days, I'm trying to watch how Can I learn more effective other language at ted. There are a lot of methods. I know What they say. When I tried to watch it again and again, I can listen more vocabulary. And it's really easy to understand when I listen. because y'KNOW, They almost use the same words.

This way is more effective for me. I finally figure out my way. Now, I'm watching about same subject at TED. However, just watch same subjet but another story.&nbsp; also, sometime I can learn other expression. in my case, It doesn't matter when I chat with my forign friends, however, my listening skill is lower level. I always consider how can I solve this problem. because let's imagain, if I talk to foreign friends about political, business, history story and go on as other language. It's fantastic. so, I think to do this, I have to improve my listening SkilI. before, when I got confidence fully, I tried to watch CNN. that time, I realize that I have to be modest. I don't have to be conceit. As same time, I was watching kid's show as english. I don't doubt to upgrade my speaking level Whenever I study with this lecture. in evidence, I can chat with forign friendS. l don't have any get in the way when I speak english. just normal conversation. It's he a small talk. I can't go to the highest subject because I'm not reach enough level.

현재까지 작성된 영어일기 72,186

오늘의 영어일기 게시판
글번호 제목 작성자 작성일 조회수
71361 20220526_Elly(90) 잠금 차*완 22.05.26 977
71360 20220525_nathan_(216) 잠금 최*필 22.05.26 1,018
71359 20220525_Wyatt_(104) 양*빈 22.05.25 3,367
71358 20220525_Elly(86) 잠금 차*완 22.05.25 705
71357 20220524(208)_이지혁 이*혁 22.05.24 2,342
71356 20220523_김다은__(125) 김*은 22.05.24 3,211
71355 20220523_nathan_(250) 잠금 최*필 22.05.23 1,516
71354 20220523_Elly(83) 잠금 차*완 22.05.23 1,272
71353 20220519_Wyatt_(100) 양*빈 22.05.19 2,134
71352 20220519_Elly(80) 잠금 차*완 22.05.19 1,086
71351 20220519_김다은__(124) 김*은 22.05.19 3,258
71350 20220518_전혜지_(57) 전*지 22.05.18 2,617
71349 20220508_전혜지_(56) 전*지 22.05.18 2,279
71348 20220506_전혜지_(55) 전*지 22.05.18 2,425
71347 20220501_전혜지_(54) 전*지 22.05.18 2,389
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