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  • 22. 09. 27.
  • 김*은
  • HIT : 2,688

I went out my boyfriend last Saturday. We met at 12:00 p.m and went to have a lunch Taiwan restaurant. There was so many people at lunch time. So we waited about 30minutes at front a doorway until people come out. After 30 minutes, finally we could go in there. We ordered Taiwanese fried chicken, Pork & Leek dumplings in Beef soup, Beef noodle soup. It was not bad but I think the place I ate in Busan was much more delicious than here. Then we headed farm produces festival in Wonju. Festival scale was so big more than I thought. We looked around festival, ate traditional foods and he bought me some sunflowers. Actually, I told him "I want it!". There were lots of play experience for kids and prepared performance for the elderly. I think it is good to hold like this big scale festival in Wonju.

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오늘의 영어일기 게시판
글번호 제목 작성자 작성일 조회수
71616 20221016_summer(6) 잠금 최*림 22.10.16 498
71615 20221016_Carter_(315) 정*교 22.10.16 2,690
71614 202201015_Hughes(99) 잠금 박*관 22.10.15 1,030
71613 20221015_Cater_(308) 정*교 22.10.15 1,625
71612 20221014_김다은__(162) 김*은 22.10.14 2,061
71611 20221014_Cater_(303) 정*교 22.10.14 1,893
71610 20221013_김가영_(150)_Shooting plan 김*영 22.10.14 2,459
71609 20221010_김가영_(146)_team meeting 김*영 22.10.14 2,315
71608 202201013_Hughes(97) 잠금 박*관 22.10.13 1,376
71607 20221013_김다은__(161) 김*은 22.10.13 1,581
71606 20221013_Carter_(302) 정*교 22.10.13 2,039
71605 20221012_summer(5) 잠금 최*림 22.10.12 537
71604 20221012_김다은__(160) 김*은 22.10.12 1,783
71603 20221012_Carter_(299) 정*교 22.10.12 2,610
71602 202201011_Hughes(95) 잠금 박*관 22.10.11 978
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