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  • 22. 10. 18.
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today, it`s time for me to go to the my grandma house. it takes about 4 hours by bus. i think that it`s too far to go serveral times. so, when i make a schedule, i make a schedule to go there. she has really good cooking skill. as you know, when we are visiting to the grandma house, grandma make a food a lot. even i talk to her that please don`t cook food a lot. she always make it a lot. i like this point. now, i don`t have enough time to study today. i watch a lesson only just one. i don`t want to make a excuse like a i don`t have time to study.
my type is when i got stress by study, i have to solve it as study. So, these days i don`t know how i spend my day and how the world work. i`m sorry. i`m getting other way to story. come back to story, first, i did check about rest of bus seat. and there was a lot rest of seat. i don`t make a reservation. i believe my choice. she said, don`t eat any food. at that time, i`m absolutely afraid of her mention. i imagain how many food there are.
anyway, in my spare time, i used to do part time job before. but sometime i really need to take a break for a while. so that time, i was watching a political, business, society and so on through the youtube. i`m really nervous about business, also other thing. one of my plan is going to language exchange program. the more exchange rates growly, it`s diffcult to go there. why i decide to go to the exchange program because of culture. whenever i watch a american TV show or drama, there is a scene about people laughing. i don`t understand why people laughing. so i decide to go there and learn culture.

현재까지 작성된 영어일기 72,186

오늘의 영어일기 게시판
글번호 제목 작성자 작성일 조회수
71661 20221109_김미진(106) 잠금 김*진 22.11.10 639
71660 20221109_홍승은(215) 홍*은 22.11.10 2,149
71659 20221109_윤소이_(6) 잠금 윤*이 22.11.09 1,004
71658 20221109_Carter_(354) 정*교 22.11.09 2,191
71657 20221108_윤소이_(5) 잠금 윤*이 22.11.08 776
71656 20221108_김다은__(172) 김*은 22.11.08 2,852
71655 20221108_Carter_(353) 정*교 22.11.08 2,101
71654 20221107_홍승은(136) 홍*은 22.11.08 2,147
71653 20221107_Carter_(351) 정*교 22.11.07 2,529
71652 20221106_김다은__(171) 김*은 22.11.06 2,823
71651 20221106_Carter_(349) 정*교 22.11.06 1,829
71650 20221105_Carter_(348) 정*교 22.11.05 2,006
71649 20221104_Carter_(347) 정*교 22.11.04 2,249
71648 20221104_윤소이_(4) 잠금 윤*이 22.11.04 1,019
71647 20221103_윤소이_(3) 잠금 윤*이 22.11.03 1,242
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