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  • 22. 10. 19.
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Finally, I bought a iPad that I wanted before. Although I paid for it in interest-free installments 3 months. I bought a model number 9 generation, color is space grey. It came to my home yesterday night, I was so happy. After finished work, I run my home to see my iPad. It was such a gorgeous and bright. I turned on the power in a hurry. I loged in icloud quickly. Then I stalled applications that I use now. Melon, Naver, KaKao talk, Instagram, Angry Bird game, Papago and Netflix etc. I also bought a iPad case and a bluetooth keyboard. I downloaded pictures and decorated the iPad wallpaper that is "Friends" pictrue. I bragged about it to my boyfriend, friends and family. They were envious. Now, I am going to read English book and watch Soridream this iPad.

현재까지 작성된 영어일기 72,186

오늘의 영어일기 게시판
글번호 제목 작성자 작성일 조회수
71691 20221125_Carter_(378) 정*교 22.11.25 1,943
71690 20221124_Carter_(376) 정*교 22.11.23 2,083
71689 20221123_윤소이_(28) 잠금 윤*이 22.11.23 1,305
71688 20221123_Carter_(375) 정*교 22.11.23 1,749
71687 20221123_송유리_(18) 잠금 송*리 22.11.23 556
71686 20221122_송유리_(10) 잠금 송*리 22.11.22 1,072
71685 20221122_Carter_(373) 정*교 22.11.22 2,159
71684 20221121_송유리_(9) 잠금 송*리 22.11.22 1,372
71683 20221121_Carter_(372) 정*교 22.11.21 3,057
71682 20221120_Carter_(371) 정*교 22.11.20 2,521
71681 20221119_(75) 잠금 전*화 22.11.19 1,162
71680 20221119_Carter_(370) 정*교 22.11.19 2,169
71679 2022118_윤소이_(14) 잠금 윤*이 22.11.18 732
71678 20221118_(74) 잠금 전*화 22.11.18 637
71677 20221118_Carter_(367) 정*교 22.11.18 3,311
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