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  • 22. 10. 21.
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< p left;">finally, i came back to my place yesterday. Originally my plan was supposed to study it but i was really exhausted because of taking long time to my place from my grandma house. but she was really happy. and she tried to eat to me everything for every second by while i stay her house. also, i had to eat everything that she offers the food. although i spent my time with her. but i was always studying that review. i did download recording files on my phone. i did listen and speak it. these days, if i don`t study just one day, i feel really nervous something. that`s why i take a my homework. that`s it. i did spend to talk with her for a long time. there is nothing special. but i think it is special thing. anyway i will be busy tomorrow. i`m going to visit to dermatology and book store. i have a lot spot on my face. so i want to get rid of it. and i`m gonna consult about my skin state. i think it is very painful. i should have managed my skin. i don`t use any lostion. just wash and wipe my face by towel. now, i`m be in regret.&nbsp;

nowadays, i feel like i`m really think that i have short of current english english words. and whenever i chatting with my forien friends, i don`t understand business word or i can`t join in their conversation. when i feel like that, i don`t get depress rather i get a energy to study english. so, first i serch how i make improvement english better. Originally, i buy a voca book but it`s not good to me. so, i`m gonna buy a famous person`s speech books. and i`ll buy like a newyork times and i get english newspaper. i know it`s very difficult thing to me. but the more it`s diffcult, i can improve my english level.

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글번호 제목 작성자 작성일 조회수
71631 20221025_Carter_(329) 정*교 22.10.25 2,108
71630 20221025(300)_이지혁 이*혁 22.10.25 2,421
71629 20221025_김다은__(166) 김*은 22.10.25 2,169
71628 20221024_김다은__(165) 김*은 22.10.24 1,615
71627 20221024_Carter_(327) 정*교 22.10.24 2,328
71626 20221023_Carter_(324) 정*교 22.10.23 2,518
71625 20221022_Carter_(323) 정*교 22.10.22 1,750
>> 20221021_Carter_(322) 정*교 22.10.21 2,316
71623 20221019_김다은__(164) 김*은 22.10.19 1,683
71622 20221018_김다은__(163) 김*은 22.10.18 2,163
71621 20221018_Carter_(321) 정*교 22.10.18 1,818
71620 20221013_김가영_(150)_Shooting plan2 김*영 22.10.18 2,128
71619 20221017_hospital (12) 김*주 22.10.17 2,316
71618 20221017_Carter_(318) 정*교 22.10.17 1,778
71617 202201016_Hughes(100) 잠금 박*관 22.10.16 1,056
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