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Finally, i was done of chapter 2 of Soridream. i get a nice feeling for every second by whenever i am done of it. these days, i change bad habits with good habits that has more powerful power and impact. Currently, i did study the famous person speech who Brian tracy said that all habits are learn and can be unlearn. i agree with that. In Korea, there is a famous proverb related to habits. as my english level it`s very difficult to explain it. i`m absolutely sure everybody know. so i`m gonna pass the explanation. After developing my level enough, i`ll explain again. anyway, if i have a some of bad habit, i can change to good habits if i have a enough passion. for example, i didn`t sit down on the chair for a long time when i study before, i did always walk around table or somewhere. Of course, my grade was not good. my grade was always in the bottom. this give me lots of stress and my parents got a nervous about me. So, i did change my study attitude. whenever i can not sit down on the chair, i stand up and hold the book on my hand. walking around place as studying. After that my body was exhausted at the same time i did need to take a time. naturally, i can sit down for a long time. and i got good grade gradually. And finally, i can sit down on the chair long time still now whenever i did study. as this situation, i can change my bad habit with good habit. So, i agree with his opinion. and i develop my habit by repetition. whatever i do, it`s very important and necessary thing that repetition. the more i study thier speech, i get an energy. i might expect to study other thier speeches. it` very fun for me. So, Let`s study burning out for our future.

현재까지 작성된 영어일기 72,186

오늘의 영어일기 게시판
글번호 제목 작성자 작성일 조회수
71661 20221109_김미진(106) 잠금 김*진 22.11.10 639
71660 20221109_홍승은(215) 홍*은 22.11.10 2,149
71659 20221109_윤소이_(6) 잠금 윤*이 22.11.09 1,004
71658 20221109_Carter_(354) 정*교 22.11.09 2,190
71657 20221108_윤소이_(5) 잠금 윤*이 22.11.08 776
71656 20221108_김다은__(172) 김*은 22.11.08 2,852
71655 20221108_Carter_(353) 정*교 22.11.08 2,101
71654 20221107_홍승은(136) 홍*은 22.11.08 2,147
71653 20221107_Carter_(351) 정*교 22.11.07 2,529
71652 20221106_김다은__(171) 김*은 22.11.06 2,822
71651 20221106_Carter_(349) 정*교 22.11.06 1,828
71650 20221105_Carter_(348) 정*교 22.11.05 2,006
71649 20221104_Carter_(347) 정*교 22.11.04 2,249
71648 20221104_윤소이_(4) 잠금 윤*이 22.11.04 1,019
71647 20221103_윤소이_(3) 잠금 윤*이 22.11.03 1,242
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