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  • 22. 10. 25.
  • 이*혁
  • HIT : 2,400

About 2 months ago, my aunt got a black puppy. When she walked along the beach, the puppy came out from behind the rock. It looked like very very young. she came close to that puppy but he ran away from her. After she looked that, she truned around and kept walking along the beach. Then, that puppy came to her and followed her. She tunred around again and saw there is water on the bowl around that puppy. She got that he was thrown out from someone because that beach is close to barrier and there are always few people walking on the beach but the most important reason that she was able to figure out that he was thrown out from people is he was really really thin. When she came to him again, that puppy didn't run away from her and she brought him to her house. The last week, I went to my grandparent's house and I saw that puppy. After my aunt had brought that puppy, she has met a vet and she got told by him that this puppy seemed like under one year age. When I looked at that puppy, he really looked like what the vet said. He is mix dog and looks like 푸들 and 슈나우져. You know what? 슈나우져 is really really enegetic. And that's the most tough thing that I was into grandparent's house with him. If I've got a baby, I would like to raise baby with a Border Collie. But After I met that puppy, I chaged my mind into raising baby without Border Collie. I heared that Border Collie is really enegetic. So If the master does not go out and walking with that dog, Border Collie would get much stress. I don't wanna get that situation.

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오늘의 영어일기 게시판
글번호 제목 작성자 작성일 조회수
71661 20221109_김미진(106) 잠금 김*진 22.11.10 639
71660 20221109_홍승은(215) 홍*은 22.11.10 2,148
71659 20221109_윤소이_(6) 잠금 윤*이 22.11.09 1,004
71658 20221109_Carter_(354) 정*교 22.11.09 2,183
71657 20221108_윤소이_(5) 잠금 윤*이 22.11.08 776
71656 20221108_김다은__(172) 김*은 22.11.08 2,851
71655 20221108_Carter_(353) 정*교 22.11.08 2,094
71654 20221107_홍승은(136) 홍*은 22.11.08 2,146
71653 20221107_Carter_(351) 정*교 22.11.07 2,528
71652 20221106_김다은__(171) 김*은 22.11.06 2,818
71651 20221106_Carter_(349) 정*교 22.11.06 1,828
71650 20221105_Carter_(348) 정*교 22.11.05 2,006
71649 20221104_Carter_(347) 정*교 22.11.04 2,247
71648 20221104_윤소이_(4) 잠금 윤*이 22.11.04 1,019
71647 20221103_윤소이_(3) 잠금 윤*이 22.11.03 1,242
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