오늘의 영어일기


  • 22. 10. 27.
  • 정*교
  • HIT : 1,449

i have a stuck in big problem today. nowadays, i`m doing study famous person`s speeches. while i work at nighr, i was doing study it. but for the first time, i`m not finish it yet at all. i think that some of part is super arduous for me. his accent, pronuncuation and rhythm totally i can not follow it. somehow i was trying ti follow his speech, it is not his speech. when i did finish his speech, everything did change. so, i did record on my voice. but i don`t understand it even me. after writing this diary, i will try it again. i think that i`m lack of my efforts. i have to pour my efforts more and more. as long as i study more, someday, i will reach his speech. i`ve always studied english when i deciced to stduy english, but it`s still chellange to me. when am i feeling it is easy?. especially, Current affairs English, it caught my ankle. i almost understood it 70~80%. but the problem is rest of it. because i`m doing search the company which i want to go. i really want to know the company vision and issues. however the problem is that everythig consists of english. so, i`ve got to strss about Current affairs English. but i`ll try to read and interpret in the company vision and issues. y`know, i think that almost the company vision similiar. it doesn`t matter when i read the vision. but the company issues is problem. because i`ve never seen the some words. Actually, at time time, i used translator shamely. whenever i`ve got this feeling, i feel like that i`m standing in front of big wall. i spend almost my daily time to study english and work. in spite of spending time like that, i`m still lacking of my english level. i`m wondering what should i do more. maybe i have to efforts more and more. i really don`t want to give up for this reason.

현재까지 작성된 영어일기 72,186

오늘의 영어일기 게시판
글번호 제목 작성자 작성일 조회수
71466 20220731_Carter_(103) 정*교 22.07.31 2,384
71465 20220729_Hughes(33) 잠금 박*관 22.07.30 1,183
71464 20220729_nathan_(305) 잠금 최*필 22.07.30 1,104
71463 20220729_Hughes(31) 잠금 박*관 22.07.29 861
71462 20220729_Carter_(93) 정*교 22.07.29 1,823
71461 20220728_한지혜_(9) 잠금 한*혜 22.07.29 630
71460 20220728_daem(61) 잠금 한*흠 22.07.29 1,191
71459 20220728_Hughes(30) 잠금 박*관 22.07.28 1,120
71458 20220728_Carter_(85) 정*교 22.07.28 2,258
71457 7/28, 22 김정민(1) 김*민 22.07.28 1,994
71456 20220727_Carter_(74) 정*교 22.07.27 2,679
71455 20220726_Hughes(28) 잠금 박*관 22.07.26 706
71454 20220726_Carter_(68) 정*교 22.07.26 1,598
71453 20220726_김수린(6) 김*린 22.07.26 2,446
71452 220726_한지혜_(8) 잠금 한*혜 22.07.26 740
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