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  • 22. 11. 06.
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I watched to playing basketball game today with my boyfriend. He had make a reservation tickets in advance. We had some time left, went in the near cafe that I like. We ordered blueberry cake, iced americano and iced hibiscus tea. It was delicious. We arrived 30 minutes ago, in advance bought some snacks that are 다코야끼 and sweet and sour chicken. We found a self photo booth while looking around the basketball stadium. It had to wait about 15 minutes. So we took a picture, headed for our seats. Our seats were third floor first line. I didn't know well the basketball rules, but he explained me the rules details. We cheered hard for the local team called DB. Finally, DB won the game. Originally, DB was a very bad team because the team played really bad last season. But this season, they were totally changed. DB is the best team now! I will watch the game again with boyfriend. It was such a fun game!

현재까지 작성된 영어일기 72,186

오늘의 영어일기 게시판
글번호 제목 작성자 작성일 조회수
71466 20220731_Carter_(103) 정*교 22.07.31 2,370
71465 20220729_Hughes(33) 잠금 박*관 22.07.30 1,183
71464 20220729_nathan_(305) 잠금 최*필 22.07.30 1,102
71463 20220729_Hughes(31) 잠금 박*관 22.07.29 859
71462 20220729_Carter_(93) 정*교 22.07.29 1,816
71461 20220728_한지혜_(9) 잠금 한*혜 22.07.29 630
71460 20220728_daem(61) 잠금 한*흠 22.07.29 1,191
71459 20220728_Hughes(30) 잠금 박*관 22.07.28 1,118
71458 20220728_Carter_(85) 정*교 22.07.28 2,255
71457 7/28, 22 김정민(1) 김*민 22.07.28 1,985
71456 20220727_Carter_(74) 정*교 22.07.27 2,670
71455 20220726_Hughes(28) 잠금 박*관 22.07.26 706
71454 20220726_Carter_(68) 정*교 22.07.26 1,590
71453 20220726_김수린(6) 김*린 22.07.26 2,435
71452 220726_한지혜_(8) 잠금 한*혜 22.07.26 739
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