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  • 22. 11. 08.
  • 김*은
  • HIT : 2,821

I studied these English patterns "That's what ~", "How come ~" and "That's why ~".

That's what we did.
That's what she heard?
That's what he want to give me?
That's what I'm telling you.
That's what I was thinking about it.
That's what they want!
That's what she really want it.
That's what we saw it before.
That's what we looked around there two months ago.

How come?
How come you never told me this?
How come you never find this?
How come he is not going?
How come she has two?
How come you didn't buy that?

That's why you didn't know well the rules.
That's why I didn't find that place.
That's why he teach you every day.
That's why your mom explain about that every moment.
That's why it couldn't sell at the market.
That's why I couldn't watch "Friends" at Netflix.
Is that why you didn't come yesterday?
Is that why you let me go?
Is that why you left me?
Is that why you didn't homework two days ago?

현재까지 작성된 영어일기 72,186

오늘의 영어일기 게시판
글번호 제목 작성자 작성일 조회수
71691 20221125_Carter_(378) 정*교 22.11.25 1,898
71690 20221124_Carter_(376) 정*교 22.11.23 2,047
71689 20221123_윤소이_(28) 잠금 윤*이 22.11.23 1,304
71688 20221123_Carter_(375) 정*교 22.11.23 1,684
71687 20221123_송유리_(18) 잠금 송*리 22.11.23 556
71686 20221122_송유리_(10) 잠금 송*리 22.11.22 1,072
71685 20221122_Carter_(373) 정*교 22.11.22 2,100
71684 20221121_송유리_(9) 잠금 송*리 22.11.22 1,372
71683 20221121_Carter_(372) 정*교 22.11.21 2,980
71682 20221120_Carter_(371) 정*교 22.11.20 2,442
71681 20221119_(75) 잠금 전*화 22.11.19 1,160
71680 20221119_Carter_(370) 정*교 22.11.19 2,098
71679 2022118_윤소이_(14) 잠금 윤*이 22.11.18 732
71678 20221118_(74) 잠금 전*화 22.11.18 637
71677 20221118_Carter_(367) 정*교 22.11.18 3,239
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