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  • 22. 11. 10.
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from a few days ago, i have trouble with my oldest. he doesn't want to talk to me. and he always flowned at me. so my mood doesnot good, it is because of him.
so i call my old sister and ask what i can do for him and me. so she gave me good word. so I tried to follow her word. that words from 123 magic book. she recomend it to me. for several month ago. but i was so busy to concern about it. i forgot it, but now i am here in the states, it is very hard to get korean book. she also said to me that book's arthor is american. so you can get it there. so i tried to buy it. but i am not certain that i can read or not, so i register austin library web cite. but there is some problems. i cannot make it. so i take courage, i call customer service center, the counselor is very kind. she heips me a lot, i am all set. i can borrow ebook. i expected it will be hard for me. exactly, it is very hard to understand. i am very happy i had a free english class with someone who help me to solve problem.

현재까지 작성된 영어일기 72,186

오늘의 영어일기 게시판
글번호 제목 작성자 작성일 조회수
71556 20220915_Hughes(78) 잠금 박*관 22.09.15 842
71555 20220915_김다은__(151) 김*은 22.09.15 1,879
71554 20220914_Carter_(228) 정*교 22.09.14 2,477
71553 20220913_Hughes(76) 잠금 박*관 22.09.13 652
71552 20220913_김다은__(150) 김*은 22.09.13 1,811
71551 20220912_Hughes(75) 잠금 박*관 22.09.12 680
71550 20220912_Carter_(226) 정*교 22.09.12 2,175
71549 20220911_Carter_(221) 정*교 22.09.11 2,038
71548 20220911_Hughes(74) 잠금 박*관 22.09.11 789
71547 20220910_Hughes(73) 잠금 박*관 22.09.10 1,113
71546 20220910_Carter_(218) 정*교 22.09.10 1,618
71545 20220909_Hughes(72) 잠금 박*관 22.09.09 1,098
71544 20220909_Carter_(216) 정*교 22.09.09 2,111
71543 20220908_Carter_(215) 정*교 22.09.08 2,105
71542 20220908_김다은__(149) 김*은 22.09.08 2,112
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