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  • 22. 11. 10.
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to be honest, when i wake up in the morning, the game can`t leave away in my head.before i did know it until, i can focus on my daily routine. but after know about it, i couldn`t focus on it properly. i did stand and patient very well until now to not play game. i can`t live like this anymore. so, i am trying to search to borrow equipment to play that game. finally i found out the store in the internet. i am making a plan to the best for me. i check my work schedule and how will i play to be the funny. i`m really excited it that make a plan more than anything. it was too excited to focus on the study properly. so, i have got to study english harder and harder until ready to play the game. i have never excited like that recently. what i think about playing game fules me to study and work. Actually, this is my favoriate game. if i`m tryingto play other game, i never get this feeling. i find out my life`s motivation. usually, every time i did study, work and other thing, i did pretend to be happy or fine. but, i don`t need to pretend to be happy or fine anymore until i`ve finished this game. i persume that after know this news that come up the game, i felt alive. the news gave me a energy. even though i`ve not done make a recording file now. but it`s fine. after writing diary, i`ll make it as soon as possible. while i am writing a diary, i can`t stand it to want to play game. i can`t let myself go to where i want to. anyway, as same time that write a diary, and i am making a plan on my head. i might be died for being happy. even though i spend a lots of money but i`ll not regret it. i will keep saving money to future`s myself. and i will leave to future`s myself with reponsibility to study and everything. i am absoluately expecting when i play that game.

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글번호 제목 작성자 작성일 조회수
71541 20220907_Hughes(71) 잠금 박*관 22.09.07 636
71540 20220907_Carter_(213) 정*교 22.09.07 2,126
71539 20220907_김다은__(148) 김*은 22.09.07 2,367
71538 20220906_Hughes(70) 잠금 박*관 22.09.06 500
71537 20220906_Carter_(208) 정*교 22.09.06 1,818
71536 20220905_Hughes(69) 잠금 박*관 22.09.05 765
71535 20220905_Carter_(207) 정*교 22.09.05 2,376
71534 20220905_nathan_(313) 잠금 최*필 22.09.05 1,022
71533 20220904_nathan_(165) 잠금 최*필 22.09.05 918
71532 20220904_김다은__(147) 김*은 22.09.05 1,869
71531 20220904_Hughes(68) 잠금 박*관 22.09.04 802
71530 20220902_Hughes(67) 잠금 박*관 22.09.03 490
71529 20220002_Hughes(58) 잠금 박*관 22.09.02 676
71528 20220902_Carter_(203) 정*교 22.09.02 2,166
71527 20220902_김다은__(146) 김*은 22.09.02 2,446
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