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  • 22. 11. 14.
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i slept like a baby after a long time. as soon as my head touched on the matrix, i think i fall asleep right away. i felt like a fresh. anyway, Every time i had breakfast, lunch, and dinner, i am feeling tiresome. there is process to cook them. i think this process and procedure makes me bothered. especially, i can feel the taste but i can not find enjoy among them that eating. that`s the reason why i feel tiresome when i eat something. so, i am just only eating that a little vegetable, chickenbreat and rice. that`s it. i can`t believe i can control my appetite. when i was losing weight, my biggest enemy is appetitie. when i was walking on by street, sometime i could smell delicious foods. At that time, i couldn`t be patient. i bought that food because there was delicious smell. it attracts me to buy. but. these days, even though i was smell the food, i don`t care of it. just pass through there. there is good thing as don`t eat the food fully to me. it is that i don`t get feel uncomfortable my stomach anymore. after day that eat fully, i was always feeling uncomfortable. even if i am eating food fully, it just only vegetable and fruit without carbo at dinner. i am just fixing a little thing. my stomach is getting better. i did stand it if i was feeling hungry. i can recommend it confidently if you feel unconfotable on your stomach.

a few days ago, i did tell about plan to play game. i`ve done that make a plan. at the first, i tried to check my budget and tried to look for where is the best place that play and sleep. and what is the best improtant thing among them is rent-fee when i borrow playstation. also, i`ve finished check the rent-cost. and my work schedule is already adjusted. i am just waiting for coming D-day. if i am thinking about it continuously, i can`t be patient anymore. so, i am trying to avoid thinking about it on purpose. how many it can fill my expect about that playing.

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