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  • 22. 11. 19.
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< p left;">Yesterday, i did learn pop-song that name is Lazy song. some of lyrics is presenting my mind. among lyrics,&nbsp; when i did listen to that lyrics that part of i don`t feel like doing anything, unconsciously i did empathize with that. i don`t know exactly when i rested. you know, sometime, i manage to have rested. so, at that time, i just lay in my bed and stare at ceiling without anything and silently. to be fun is what i lay in bed make me uncomfortable that i am not doinig anything. so, i have to release this feeling. i did something for released stress. Ironically, i have both of feeling that i don`t feel like anything and i have to do something. so, i thought for a long time that i must have mixed work and life appropriately. To me is difficult to figure out balance about work and life. i think my individulality is extreme when i am trying to do something. i can not handle it until now. i need to reudce the time of study and part time job. of cousre i know that this time is important season to me. but i need to refill my energy to study constantly. if i don`t change my plan, i am going to go exhcange program to abroad. i think i don`t need to push by myself anymore. i have to stay status quo. it seems to be nice but on other my mind has still nervous. however i am trying to not care of it. for a while, i will focus on resting time by myself. in the meantime, i will stop studying such as prepareing job interview, speeches and other thing. i will study only Soridream. from time to time, i will doing other things but i don`t foucs on it. it just does it in my spare time. based on my past experience, first i am goinig to get rid of getting in my way for enjoying my mess around time. Ah.. i have a funny story. but i`m not telling now. it was nice experience to me. because i`ve never went through it. Gradually, the weather is getting cold. i need to put thick on.

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