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  • 22. 11. 22.
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few days ago, i`ve got death certification of someone who i don`t know at my working place. as soon as i got it, i did inform it to my boss. certainly, i didn`t know exactly, but what i got news about someone`s death is always made me depress. someday, i will die but i don`t know when it is. so, at that time, i was trying to think about death. if i am died today, i might have to be regret to my behavior and why didn`t i starting it as fast as possible? like that. i don`t want to leave the regret when i am died. it is my one of goals. i think it is difficult to don`t leave the regret whatever i do. but it`s worth to make a goal that don`t leave the regret. all i have to do is pour my passion into my dream what i want. because i have to make it all by myself. if i don`t do it for my best, i may leave the regret about it. so, every time i stuied the english, i have to do with my best. i am trying to concentrate to lesson strongly. cause i want to come true what i want. So, let`s not leave regret for us. and enjoy it.

i am going to jump to other story. Even though i am trying to lose weight, i really like a hamburger. especially, burger-king is my favorite thing. however there is safety issue for the company that make a bread in Korea. so, i change the hamburger store instead of burger-king. i am just satistied. it`s so so. unless there is something special on my day, i used to visited the store only one time monthly. it is like a present to me from myself. you`re doing very well for a month. i just consolate by myself. i think like that time needs to me. it is kind of reward to give me.

nowadays, i think something is getting tangled up my study schedule. i don`t catch from where the start that tangle. i am trying to study harder and harder but it`s difficult to deal with. in my spare time, i will think about it detailed.

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글번호 제목 작성자 작성일 조회수
71706 20221130_윤소이_(48) 잠금 윤*이 22.11.30 1,190
71705 20221130_Carter_(385) 정*교 22.11.30 1,874
71704 20221129_(78) 잠금 전*화 22.11.29 669
71703 20221129_안소연_(4) 잠금 안*미 22.11.29 626
71702 20221129_Carter_(383) 정*교 22.11.29 2,928
71701 20221129_윤소이_(46) 잠금 윤*이 22.11.29 1,184
71700 20221128_안소연_(3) 잠금 안*미 22.11.28 861
71699 20221128_(77) 잠금 전*화 22.11.28 1,299
71698 20221128_윤소이_(39) 잠금 윤*이 22.11.28 1,005
71697 20221128_Carter_(381) 정*교 22.11.28 2,564
71696 20221127_Carter_(380) 정*교 22.11.27 2,047
71695 20221126_(76) 잠금 전*화 22.11.26 953
71694 20221126_Carter_(379) 정*교 22.11.26 1,846
71693 20221125_송유리_(26) 잠금 송*리 22.11.26 1,437
71692 20221125_윤소이_(36) 잠금 윤*이 22.11.25 1,252
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