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  • 22. 12. 27.
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Yesterday, i had a little free time in the middle of work. So, i was asked the budget of exchange program to the language institute. As i expected, i got a budget about it. but the budget is cheap more than i expected. i`ve never thought about discount when i go to exchang program. Every time i am about to go forward step by step, i think i can make it what i want. it has been almost four years from the preparing to the practice. and since then i have been preparing to get what i want. it is really hard time and i think it is hardship. anyway, finally, i had tried to ask the budget to institute. it has been taken almost 4 years that this attempt. when i was about to try to attempt, i always stuck in something. such as money, english level, or other thing. Even though my English level is not perfect, now, i think i have confidence to go forwared a little. i don`t want to lose to this opportunity. because i had prepared a lot. and it`s time for me to go one step. and there is other problem. one thing is i am trying to go only one country for exchange program and go to the job interview right away. and other thing is i am trying to go serveral countries. there are each benefit to me. that`s why i am in be concerned. if there is a lot of time left, there is a lot of time left. i think it takes almost 6 month form now. i am not sign up yet. maybe i will sign up by 3 month left. yesterday, i did a lot of thing. Also there will be lack of thing. but i can prepare slowly. i did decide a lot of thing yesterday. now, almost everything is decided. i will just spend my time to study english and try to lose weight. i think the lose weight is very hard. whenever i am walking on the street, there are a lot of delicious restaurant as i looking at and also smell like is so good. it drives me crazy. what i thinking inside me is that i have to lose weight but why my sight is look at the restaurant. Please i have to be patient. i have also tough time today due to them. anyway i will fight in order to my dream. keep going to move.

현재까지 작성된 영어일기 72,186

오늘의 영어일기 게시판
글번호 제목 작성자 작성일 조회수
71826 20230411_이박사(10) 이*성 23.04.11 2,085
71825 20230411_(14) 잠금 홍*자 23.04.11 1,752
71824 20230411_최은수_(8) 잠금 최*수 23.04.11 774
71823 20230410_이박사(9) 이*성 23.04.10 1,836
71822 20230410_(13) 잠금 홍*자 23.04.10 982
71821 20230409_(12) 잠금 홍*자 23.04.09 384
71820 20230408_(11) 잠금 홍*자 23.04.09 642
71819 20230407_이박사(8) 이*성 23.04.07 1,828
71818 20230407_(10) 잠금 홍*자 23.04.07 634
71817 20230406_이박사 이*성 23.04.06 3,707
71816 20230406_(9) 잠금 홍*자 23.04.06 966
71815 20230405_(8) 잠금 홍*자 23.04.05 963
71814 20230404_이박사_(6) 이*성 23.04.04 2,240
71813 20230404_(7) 잠금 홍*자 23.04.04 705
71812 20230403_(6) 잠금 홍*자 23.04.04 1,258
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