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  • 23. 01. 24.
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Today's temperature is very chilly. it is not problem of weather. it is just problem of survive. Actually, i don't fond of wear the clothes thick. because i am fond of cold. but today is totally different. in the dawn i came out without thinkingful from my place. oh my god... suddenly my body and everything is freezing and couldn't think for a while. because i just put on jacket. so, i came back my place. and tried to find out padding. but it wasn't keeping off the cold totally. it is on my problem because i didn't check about the weather. if i check that, i could prepare to have warm equirement. clearly, last week was the warm weather. so, i thought this week weather is as almost same as last week weather. and i went to convenience store and bought hot-pack. i had never bought and used the hot-pack in entire life even in the army. but today is that can't stand anymore without hot-pack. also, even though i had hot-pack, i still felt a chilly. it is not chilly. it is very freezing. and i don't like to put my hand on pocket when i walked on the street but i didn't have gloves so, i didn't have choice but to put it on the pocket. anyway, today is difficult and tough day in many ways.

i was found out some restaurant as good. i was walking on the street with my friends. it looks like a franchise but it is. however, i had never heard about that restaurant. also they sold our favorite meun. so, we were trying to eat them because also we were trying to find delicious restaurant to have dinner. we entered and sat down on the chair and ate the side dish. it was perfect. we were filled up expectation. and came out the food in front of us. how could i explain it. i couldn't explain it. it was the worthwhile for pay. and we don't usually order other dish. but we couldn't still stop thinking about other dish. so, we were ordering other dish. that is not perfect but it was good. although the distance is far from here, i can accept it and be loyal customer. i want to go over there once again. the taste is still remaining in my mouth. and i am gonig to go the restaurant again on thursday. i don't know why the delicious restaurant is not around me. i got mad as i am writing it suddenly. however the restaurant is not around me and i really want to eat them. that's why i decide to go there again.

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71826 20230411_이박사(10) 이*성 23.04.11 2,127
71825 20230411_(14) 잠금 홍*자 23.04.11 1,755
71824 20230411_최은수_(8) 잠금 최*수 23.04.11 775
71823 20230410_이박사(9) 이*성 23.04.10 1,878
71822 20230410_(13) 잠금 홍*자 23.04.10 986
71821 20230409_(12) 잠금 홍*자 23.04.09 387
71820 20230408_(11) 잠금 홍*자 23.04.09 643
71819 20230407_이박사(8) 이*성 23.04.07 1,879
71818 20230407_(10) 잠금 홍*자 23.04.07 634
71817 20230406_이박사 이*성 23.04.06 3,774
71816 20230406_(9) 잠금 홍*자 23.04.06 969
71815 20230405_(8) 잠금 홍*자 23.04.05 963
71814 20230404_이박사_(6) 이*성 23.04.04 2,275
71813 20230404_(7) 잠금 홍*자 23.04.04 705
71812 20230403_(6) 잠금 홍*자 23.04.04 1,258
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