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  • 23. 02. 09.
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my mind is going to decide to be moved for my convenience. because it is too far to off to work from my place. and i was trying to search the place where i want to go. and i can find out the best place among i search. i said before, the best important thing to me when i am about to get a place is cheap monthly rent fee and other thing is the next. however the only thing that lack of around the place where i want is there is no convenience thing such as the gym, book store, and other thing. and it takes 20 ~ 30 minutes by walking from my place to my office. it is find because i am really fond of walking. since then i decided to work out, and i am in the middle of walking to off to work. it takes 1 and half hours. however i don't feel any hard thing. rather i am enjoing by walking. whenever i am walking, i am trying to look around the place. some place is same and some place is different. the fun that i found out makes me happy a day. especially, when i walked on the bridge, if i have enough time, i just stand or lean on the fense look at the river slowly. at that time, the wind blew from somewhere.it was the biggest happiness thing except for the smell. in the case of the city, unwillingly, there is some irritating smell. but in the countryside of smell and sight is clear. when i lived in the countryside, i went up to little hill and just sit down on the grass feel some wind. but in the city is that there is a lot of noise that bothered me when i look around some place. especially, i hate the noise that happened from the car. oh... i gof off the track again. anyway i will clean my room to move for next week. and i will about to pack in my carrier. i bought useless thing many because i though i will live in here for 1 year. i really have no idea where will i start to clean and throw away thing.

and other thing is packing. i need to buy a box for packing. Actually, when i came here, i carried only one carrier. why my stuff thing is getting increase?. and i have to eat 햇반. it is also useless when i go to move. at the first, i have to decide to priority how do i spend my time and energy effectively to move. after that, i will finish it slowly. anyway the move is difficult and irritating thing to me. i want to finish it early.

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