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  • 23. 08. 11.
  • 정*지
  • HIT : 1,463

/Studies have shown/ some personalities
Studies have shown Koreans don't have a cell that makes an uncomfortable smell

Everyone said you wanna lost weight, /you should reduce your meal./
/I'm trying to reduce my one month costs/
One of enemies of women is pimple, we're gonna fight for r/educing pimples/

/To reduce painful symptoms,/ I force me to increase some of pains on the process, it hurts while I'm doing, but after I finish it, the pains start to reduce

Human feels so good when we get stuff for /reduced prices/

History has shown good people usually win in the end. Because we're majority, so what I like is what you like.

There are /overgrowth of weeds/ on a grave.

/Experiences have shown too much wash can cause the overgrowth of cells that cause dermatitis/
It's a quite dilemma, you don't wash your scalp got swollen and oily

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현재까지 작성된 영어일기 72,449

오늘의 영어일기 게시판
글번호 제목 작성자 작성일 조회수
72119 20230814_(133) 잠금 홍*자 23.08.14 728
72118 20230813_(132) 잠금 홍*자 23.08.13 746
72117 20190625_메뤼(150) 정*지 23.08.12 1,193
72116 20190624_메뤼(149) 정*지 23.08.12 1,168
72115 20230812_(131) 잠금 홍*자 23.08.12 653
72114 20230811_(130) 잠금 홍*자 23.08.11 589
>> 20190623_메뤼(148) 정*지 23.08.11 1,463
72112 20230810_(129) 잠금 홍*자 23.08.10 670
72111 20190622_메뤼(147) 정*지 23.08.10 877
72110 20190621_메뤼(146) 정*지 23.08.10 975
72109 20190620_메뤼(145) 정*지 23.08.10 1,246
72108 20190619_메뤼(144) 정*지 23.08.10 1,153
72107 20190618_메뤼(143) 정*지 23.08.10 1,504
72106 20230809_(128) 잠금 홍*자 23.08.09 1,147
72105 20190617_메뤼(142) 정*지 23.08.09 1,077
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