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  • 23. 10. 04.
  • 정*지
  • HIT : 1,048

Our last message is like one week ole, but feel like it's a year old. It means my days were pretty much fulfilled

That job is like a quarter of a year old, but it feels like a hundred years ago, I still remember it vividly

I met one girl who has a great taste of music, she sent great playlist to me

Only few people sent comments to me, but it means a lot to me. I wanna be better at my work

I could make a difference this week,

This is story of my dream that I was willing for a long time

It's of this man who doesn't create any enemies
It's of this person who is seeking for being loved

We stacked many books on the ground so it hurts our legs all the time
There are 4 stacks of coin on my table

This man who changes mind really fast, I gotta admit he's pretty good to control himself

I gotta admit my feelings, sometimes we pretend we don't know anything
but duh, we are not innocent

- Oh My Gosh!!!_1 -

현재까지 작성된 영어일기 72,441

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글번호 제목 작성자 작성일 조회수
>> 20190727_메뤼(182) 정*지 23.10.04 1,048
72185 20231003_(177) 잠금 홍*자 23.10.03 335
72184 20231002_(176) 잠금 홍*자 23.10.02 389
72183 20231001_(175) 잠금 홍*자 23.10.02 613
72182 20230930_(174) 잠금 홍*자 23.10.02 241
72181 20230929_(173) 잠금 홍*자 23.10.01 218
72180 20230928_(172) 잠금 홍*자 23.09.30 524
72179 20230927_(171) 잠금 홍*자 23.09.29 262
72178 20190726_메뤼(181) 정*지 23.09.28 679
72177 20230926_(170) 잠금 홍*자 23.09.27 370
72176 20230925_(169) 잠금 홍*자 23.09.26 337
72175 20230924_(168) 잠금 홍*자 23.09.25 308
72174 20230923_(167) 잠금 홍*자 23.09.24 446
72173 20230922_(166) 잠금 홍*자 23.09.24 257
72172 20230921_(165) 잠금 홍*자 23.09.23 452
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