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  • 23. 12. 01.
  • 정*지
  • HIT : 579

We’re gonna graduate Soridream, hey, when we start this, we made a bow, don’t you remember?
I’m still here to keep my word, but many of you have left here and at the same time new of you are coming around, so we can do it, too.
So you, who read my journal, don’t give in yourself
it doesn’t matter when you arrive, Most important thing is you will arrive!

Count down to a month for finishing Season one
I’ve finished other series but it never happen with this one

You gave me several signs that you’re using me, And we don’t talk anymore
if we meet again, you don’t change the attitude, we won’t be friends again
But if you make me understand what was up, we’re gonna be friends again

My family eat snacks at late night, but we’re not gonna feel guilty about it
at least we haven’t gained a pounds yet compare than last month

I'm working hard since 4 days ago, for the future, someday when we're gonna meet in person and have a good time, I brush up my own working skills and my features as an human being
Found how to cut slacks to study

- 21. We're gonna -

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오늘의 영어일기 게시판
글번호 제목 작성자 작성일 조회수
72314 20190904_메뤼(221) 정*지 23.12.19 309
72313 20231208_(243) 잠금 홍*자 23.12.18 65
72312 20231207_(242) 잠금 홍*자 23.12.18 78
72311 20190903_메뤼(220) 정*지 23.12.17 414
72310 20190902_메뤼(219) 정*지 23.12.17 517
72309 20231206_(241) 잠금 홍*자 23.12.17 340
72308 20190901_메뤼(218) 정*지 23.12.16 517
72307 20190831_메뤼(217) 정*지 23.12.16 473
72306 20231205_(240) 잠금 홍*자 23.12.16 451
72305 20231204_(239) 잠금 홍*자 23.12.15 456
72304 20231203_(238) 잠금 홍*자 23.12.14 116
72303 20190830_메뤼(216) 정*지 23.12.13 412
72302 20190829_메뤼(215) 정*지 23.12.13 932
72301 20190828_메뤼(214) 정*지 23.12.12 307
72300 20231202_(237) 잠금 홍*자 23.12.12 101
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