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  • 23. 12. 20.
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How to tell him I like him, I will need: Practice, confidence, patience, honesty, a gift and a plan

When you practice, you should make sure your goal and purpose.
If you wanna good at speaking, writing sentences on the board can't help you to improve speaking
You better listen more, copy one more sound and try to feel the nuance, etc.

If you wanna make a good sound when you play an instrument, you should play countlessly
Jordan always prioritize basic at the first. Basic makes him a genius.
I felt the same thing today: I saw sentences of 'how you feel' and every word is I practiced for several times.
So I can make a record faster. Now I got reward from my practice

When you practice a lot, naturally you'll get a confidence
When you're on the top of mountain once, you're getting confidence. So when you try new thing, with that confidence you can do more and go further with new area

You wanna get some confidence, let your chest up and keep your chin up

There is a mirror, in real I'm a cat, but inside of the mirror, I'm a lion
Study as if I became a lion with confidence. And you can go through tough process, because you are a lion
Being cocky is risky, low yourself, too

- How to Tell a Girl You Like Her_1 -

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72329 20231215_(250) 잠금 홍*자 23.12.25 67
72328 20190912_메뤼(229) 정*지 23.12.23 285
72327 20231214_(249) 잠금 홍*자 23.12.22 48
72326 20231213_(248) 잠금 홍*자 23.12.22 47
72325 20190911_메뤼(228) 정*지 23.12.22 188
72324 20190910_메뤼(227) 정*지 23.12.21 258
72323 20231212_(247) 잠금 홍*자 23.12.21 74
72322 20231211_(246) 잠금 홍*자 23.12.20 103
72321 20190909_메뤼(226) 정*지 23.12.20 197
72320 20231210_(245) 잠금 홍*자 23.12.20 127
>> 20190908_메뤼(225) 정*지 23.12.20 212
72318 20190907_메뤼(224) 정*지 23.12.20 274
72317 20231209_(244) 잠금 홍*자 23.12.20 78
72316 20190906_메뤼(223) 정*지 23.12.19 270
72315 20190905_메뤼(222) 정*지 23.12.19 398
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