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20191016_메뤼(263) 24.03.11 정*지
I'll get you a new system to be productive.
Wow, if I don't do Soridream, I almost wanna kill myself.
It doesn't take so much time that I picture

One of my favorite person is dead, she has been cold, but in my heart she's not even cold yet.
She always has me.
My heart of you isn't cold yet.

Don't you think I should make some movement this year?
I'm so afraid that I couldn't see future. And most scary things of all is I don't know where I'm heading for now.
I think it's time to draw some big piture for me. It doesn't matter even it's wrong destination. But I'm so unsure now.
So I wanna give me some meditation.

Don't you think, you can achieve something? Don't you think you have your own abilities and substance?
People are loneliest when they think that they can't do anything and they're useless.

Don't you think, that person would've wanted you to move on?
Because that person might erase me on its mind.

I'm gonna move on whenever I want. If it's giving me some motivation to make differences, I'm gonna use it as much as I can

I must get this time, I'm worried that I might be greedy, but I have my own goal. So it won't be happened, just show me that I have my own system. If I know that it's existed, I can move on in this year

Would I be happy, if I grasp something on my hands now? I'm not sure, it maybe guilty pleasures

- Rosita dies01_3 -